Remember 'Remember the Titans'?
Culture change is tough - but it is worth it!!! I was reminded of this as I watched the movie Remember the Titans. A coach dropped into a chaotic situation must bring culture change for the team to survive... but he doesn't just want it to survive he wants it to succeed, and to dominate. In a way we want our ministries to do likewise so what ideas for culture change can we take from Coach Boon?
Thinking about sacrifice
If Jesus is King, what does that mean for what we want to do with out lives? [Image by Chris Bellerophon Dotson on flickr]
Back to the Mission
Reminded again and again about what we are created for. We are created for worship! But because there are some people who do not worship, we have been given a mission... to go and show people they were created to worship! - photo on Flickr by llamatofu
Appeasement verses Satisfaction
Do we look to appease our emotions, troubles, discomforts with earthy things that may provide some release temporarily, or do we look to God who is the source of complete satisfaction? [Image by donald_palansky_photography on flickr]
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
An idea from Matthew 17:24-27
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Biblical Case for Spooning
Jesus and Ethics
One might then ask; to what extent does the life and ministry of Jesus give Christian believers an example of ethics and morality? The answer is both simple and complex. The Gospels are not a recorded ethical guideline taught by Jesus. They do not specifically outline any kind of ethical system of moral values – Jesus himself does not set out to teach on ethics specifically. However, through Jesus’ announcement of the coming kingdom, through his teaching on kingdom living, outlining his understanding and expectation of the higher righteousness of God’s law and also his life example of these teachings, believers find they can formulate their own ethical system based on the beliefs and actions of their Lord.
When coupling the model of Jesus’ life to the belief that once reborn into Christ’s salvation his followers remain in him, one sees that Jesus becomes the central focal point for all ethics and morality – in that anything outside of Christ is not of God, and anything done apart from him in darkness is regarded as sin.
Once this conclusion is reached, the answer to the extent of Jesus’ example in terms of ethics and morality is that all ethics for Christian believers can be found in Christ.
Keck, L. E. 1996, "Rethinking ‘New Testament Ethics’", JBL 115:3-16
Spohn, W C, 1999, Go And Do Likewise – Jesus and Ethics, Continuum, New York
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Weekly Photography Assignment
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Heaven's Funniest Rapture Video
**Dean possibly does not agree with the theology behind this video...