Friday 7 March 2008

You Idiot!!

Ever have one of those moments when you think "Ahh what a idiot I am!!"... it's even worse when one of those moments ends up costing you a lot of money - or worse... 200GB of saved data!

Last night I was working on my laptop - accessing some stored files from my external harddrive. I'd worked for about 2 hours, and been periodically saving to that harddrive.

In a moment of stupidness I moved the laptop, forgetting the drive was still plugged in by the USB cable. It fell of the desk, while turned on and writing, and hit the floor hard.

My 250GB harddrive inside was instantly pulverised - and the 200GB of computer backups, videos, photos and State Youth Games promo (which I'd been working on) was lost forever. Plus the fact that drive cost me a fair bit of money - it's more the work and stuff lost that is a cause of pain!

As long as no computers at home die before I get another drive the backups won't be a worry - I'll just do them again, the videos I could get again eventually, but the SYG stuff is pretty well gone!

Just bought another harddrive online - $128 for a 400GB drive, I think that's about the same price as I paid for the 250GB drive 18 months ago... storage space is relatively cheap these days.

If only I would think more, then maybe I wouldn't cause myself so much pain.

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