Tuesday, 1 April 2008

April fools

There were some good ones today.

Obviously below, Google gets into the April Fools day spirit every year, this year's was a tab less believable than other years, but the futuristic search engine did catch a few people out.

Red Symons was got on ABC Radio in Melbourne, believing that all women's events in the Beijing Olympics would be run 2 weeks after the men's.

Sydney Radio was buzzing with news that the new stand at the SCG would be named after Warwick Cappa (sorry mate not true :-P)

I think the best one however was Virgin Blue, who ran full page newspaper ads advertising No Chair Fairs... they cost half the price of regular fairs, as long as you're willing to stand for the entire flight. As a bonus if the flight is more than 2 hours long you get a complimentary calf massage.

I really wonder how many people rang up trying to get one of those :-P

So did you prank anyone? Or get done yourself today?

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