Sunday, 15 March 2009

Comeback Season

Well my first soccer season in over 2 years has begun.

In May 2006 I had a huge coming together with another guy on the soccer field.  We both kicked the ball at the same time... the ball went no where, we both went flying and both had to be carried off the field.  Unfortunately my injury was quite serious, 3 torn ligaments, one of them torn in two places and I was unable to even run of kick any kind of ball for 12 months. (I posted here when I was really down about the injury)

I had thought my soccer days were over in that post. And it wasn't until last year, when I took up jogging and running again that I realised if I worked really hard I might be able to get my ankle back up to play some social soccer.

City North Baptist has a soccer club just like Whitehill, in a different comp though... last year I played 2 games for them as a fill in, just to have a bit of a run and this year I've signed up to play in their 5th Division team.

The ankle is strong now... not perfect... but strong.  I still have to strap it quite heavily, but I can run, kick and turn on it without any pain at all.

We played our pre-season grading games over the last two Saturdays, three 30 minute games each week, and I played back in my old position as the runner up the front.  I'm a bit slower (and older) than I use to be... but I felt strong playing and it felt good.

In the final game yesterday I had a bit of a vindication in that I scored a goal in the first 2 minutes of the game, kicking off my recovered ankle to pop it past the hands of the keeper.

Gee that felt good!

But just being part of a team, running without fear of turning my ankle, and getting back to playing a game I enjoy is the best part of all!

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