Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Compassion Day

Tomorrow is Compassion Day - 1 Day, 1500 Children sponsored with 42 Radio Stations involved.

The focus this year is Haiti where one child in 14 never reaches their first birthday and another one in five doesn't reach the age of four. There are few public schools, and not enough teachers. Only 2 per cent of Haitian children finish high school.

It just so happens that my sponsor child is from Haiti. Ernry is a dude! I love getting letters from him, I've been sponsoring him for 7 years now and really have watched him grow up.

I've never actually met the little guy but I love him! He's part of my life in a real significant way, and it really doesn't take much for me to be a life changing influence on his life. $44 a month is nothing within the lifestyle I live, yet it changes kids lives completely.

Honestly I put it to you today, if your living in Australia or the USA, and don't have a sponsor child, tell me your excuse! What is stopping you? Cause I really don't think many people can't put aside $44 a month to save a child.

And in all honestly, you'll get more out of it than if you spent that $44 on a meal with friends, a DVD or new coat, I love getting letters from Ernry, he writes about his life, and I seriously get to see how he is working to learn and improve his way of life - Ernry especially has a special spirit, instead of buying toys with the gift money I send for his birthday or Christmas he writes and tells me he's bought a goat, or a sheep - most recently he has bought a turkey... he's a little farmer, and his sheep has already had babies. My little guy is a thinker, and instead of buying a soccer ball or toy car he's out buying things that are going to help his family survive, and him to grow up strong and healthy.

I'm so proud :-)


So I can't urge you enough, go to the Compassion Day website and sponsor a child tomorrow for Compassion Day and save a life!


Anonymous said...

Brilliant post.

I've seen first hand the amazing difference Compassion child sponsorship is making. I really hope you're able to visit your child one day.

I can't wait for the morning when I'll be sharing lots of stories of my time in Haiti and Dominican Republic with Compassion. I'll post a few bits and pieces on my blog.

g said...

I would love to visit Ernry one day! Hearing Az' accounts of your Haiti trip on 96.5 today has been great...

...i came close to sponsoring a second child today, but i have some reasons i shouldn't just now.

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