Thursday, 15 May 2008

Sponsor a Child

1016 Children sponsored today for Compassion Day 2008.

That's not quite the 1500 they were aiming at, but a fair effort none the less! That's another 1016 children who now have a great chance of surviving and making a life for themselves.

It was great to hear Az Hamilton on the radio all day today. The Nite Alive announcer put in a mammoth effort today on 96.5 doing segments throughout the day, plugging the great work of Compassion, and telling of the recent trip he took to Haiti.

I think I was even able to convince a mate at work to sponsor a child, he just couldn't decide which one out of the vast choice of cute little faces.

There's still an opportunity for you to sponsor a child if you haven't already. $44 a month is nothing for us these days, you won't even notice it coming off your direct debit! And it will change your life for the better... it's worth every dollar!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We sponsored a child from Haiti today. I was with Az when he visited Haiti last month.

I was doing a similar thing on this side of the country. I spent a lot of time on air because I've seen the difference that sponsorship can make.

I've posted a lot of the audio I used on air today over at my blog. Can I suggest that you listen to Ada's Story and perhaps recommend that friends do the same?

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