Thursday, 29 May 2008

Quote of the Week

Saw this on Pure Christianity and liked it enough to put here. It speaks true I feel.

"Two thousand years ago God started a revolt against the religion He started. So don't ever put it past God to cause a groundswell movement against churches and Christian institutions that bear His name. If He was willing to turn Judaism upside down, don't think for a moment our institutions are safe from a divine revolt. I am convinced that even now there are multitudes of followers of Jesus Christ who are sick and tired of the church playing games and playing down the call of God. My travels only confirm that the murmurings of revolution are everywhere. I am convinced that there is an uprising in the works and that no one less than God is behind it."
~Erwin McManus


Gareth Williams said...

yep, that is great stuff. But most of us are too scared to embrace a revolution for fear of upsetting the "perfect" balance we have created.

g said...

though i get the feeling that your congregation probably don't mind moving the balance a bit, the way they want to plant that new church with you...

i think that may be one of the reasons i felt i needed to move on from whitehill - and am enjoying the outward focusness on City North... yet i still feel like we need to shake stuff up more.

Graham Sercombe spoke at City North last week, and some of the stuff he said could almost have come straight from this quote - so it's something that's been presented to City North, and something me and a few mates have been talking about lately.

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