Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Looking Over the Shoulder (Part I)

Ok finally it seems I can sit down and write up some of my notes from the main speaking sessions at Recharge.

I went to Recharge with a real hunger to learn something new. I'm glad I decided to take notes (a last minute decision), because the teaching from Rob Coyle was fantastic.

Rob had been the Executive Director of Youth Dimension in Melbourne for 28 years. Youth Dimension's passion is reaching every school with the message of Jesus, hoping to see young people have an authentic relationship with Jesus and also to change a culture where the family is disintegrating.

Rob also barracks for the Essendon Bombers (woohoo).

Rob's message series was called 'Looking Over the Shoulder' and was taken from Psalm 16, a psalm which gives this over the shoulder look at David's life and faith, just some of the core details of David's life.

In true preacher style each main point begins with P.

~David's Protection

Psalm 16 - v1: Keep me safe, O God for in you I take refuge.

  • We can feel physically unsafe
  • We can feel emotionally unsafe
  • We can feel spiritually unsafe
-"keep me safe"

  • in Hebrew the 'keep' and ' safe' has the same meaning as in Job where Satan says to God "You have protected Job from me"
  • means like a thorny impenetrable hedge which is placed around a camp. There's no way anything can get in.
-"in you I take refuge"
  • God is where David is actively turning for protection.

~David's Position

v2 : "I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord, apart from you I have no good thing.""

-LORD and Lord translate differently.
  • LORD: Yahweh - the most reverent name for God
  • Lord: Absolute ruler, controller of a kingdom.
-David is stating his position, the God of everything, his creator, the all powerful is his absolute ruler.

-apart from you I have no good thing
  • It doesn't matter how you act or what you do. The only thing that makes anything I do look right in God's eyes is whether or not I position God as the Lord of my life.
  • If you want to have this same position as David, Jesus expects no more from you than what he went through himself...

That's the end of the first session - I was going to do them all-in-one but it seems it will be the longest post in the world if I do that. Expect part 2 tonight or tomorrow...

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