Monday, 1 October 2007

Prayerful Leading.

It's been a little while since I've had the opportunity to give someone the Thumbs Up (Want to know what this is? Click the image above and read all about it).

I haven't been to a AM service at Whitehill for a little while, but went along yesterday because I was planning to go to City North in the evening. I've never really taken much notice before, but I realised I have always enjoyed the way one of the older guys (Ian) takes church prayers... (and before I get in trouble, Ian isn't that old... just older than me).

Instead of just praying through the prayer requests, Ian mentions each one and gives time for everyone to pray individually. Though it's not spoken allowed I think this creates such a real situation of 'corporate' prayer, because instead of just listening along, suddenly the responsibility to pray is on the individual, and if the responsibility is taken up, then the entire church is corporatly praying for the issue.

It's the way Ian's always done it, but for some reason I only realised its value yesterday.

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