Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Looking Over the Shoulder (Part II)

[From Session 2 of Rob Coyle's messages at Recharge 07]

~David's People

v3 & 4: As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom I delight.

The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods, I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips.

-glorious ones in whom I delight

  • It is who we choose to hang around with that will infiltrate who we are.
  • David chooses to hang around people who run after God as Lord (see part 1)
-The sorrows of those will increase...

  • In Hebrew sorrow translates to a meaning of intense anguish
  • Used in the same context as what Job experienced.
-I will not pour out their libations of blood...

  • God won't accept the sacrifices offered by people who are running after other gods.
  • Some people of Israel would sacrifice to both God and other gods, just the act of preparing a sacrifice doesn't mean God will accept it.

  • Who do you hang around? Do you spend a priority of times with saints or the sorrowful?
  • Evangelism isn't negated in this, spreading the world amongst the lost is important, but as in John 13:34 and 35: "A new commandment I give you, love one another, as I have loved you. In this way all men will know that you are my disciples." People will know that you are Christ's disciples by the way you love other disciples. That is the greatest evangelical tool you have, the relationship with other saints.

~God's Plan

v5 & 6: LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup, you have made my lot secure

  • God's plan is like a fantastic feast, something you just want to continue eating and eating and eating.
  • Why then do we feel like we are eating brussel sprouts?
  • God doesn't just give us amazing riches? Our lives don't become easy, however when you find out what God wants you to do with your life, when you live his plan, that's when you feel like you are dining at that amazing feast.
  • Your feast may be a successful management job looking out for a group of people in a Christian way, or maybe your feast is living in a remote village in Africa, with no power, no hot water, learning another language but teaching and living in a community learning about Jesus.
-you have made my lot secure
  • He secures your life - "Like dice that always roll double sizes" - you have the assurance that he is looking after your well being.
  • God's plan for you is a penthouse with a magnificent ocean view - you will always love the look of it.
  • "For Mother Theresa that penthouse had a balcony overlooking the slums of Calcutta" but she never grew tired of its beauty.

"Even though some things are bitter in taste, they are sweet inside because that's where God wanted you to be"

**That's session two wrapped up, session three and four coming up soon.

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