Friday, 5 October 2007

Looking Over the Shoulder (Part IV)

Final Session of Rob Coyle's speaking from Psalm 16 at Recharge...

~David's Prophecy

v10: because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay.

-let your Holy One see decay

  • Acts 13:35-37 - Paul talks about the Holy One again, David is here in Psalm 16 looking forward to Jesus.
  • The Hebrew word used here for decay means like an animal trap - caught to the point of death.
-you will not abandon me to the grave

  • Because Jesus will not be caught in this trap of death, he can reach down and lift us out of our pit of decay.
  • The great thing about being a Christian is the assurance that as we die Jesus is waiting to take us into heaven.

~David's Pleasure

v11: You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

  • Three tenses


-You have made known to me...

  • David is saying "God, you've helped me to discern and that has helped me in times past"
  • The Hebrew used for know here was used in Genesis and is the same word used to describe Adam and Eve's sexual relationship:: "And Adam knew Eve"
  • Describes a deep deep intimacy. Like a husband and wife.


-you will fill me with joy in your presence...

  • David is saying "God when I spend time with you now it brings me unmeasurable pleasure.
  • How often do we really get pleasure from our time with God?
  • Are our church services providing that time?


-eternal pleasures at your right hand.
  • The Living Bible Translation says "And the pleasure of living with you forever"
  • All sin will be gone
  • Not just an absence of sin, but also the overwhelming presence of God.
  • Something David looks forward to, as should we.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Deano - excellent wrap up of the key sessions at Recharge!! Reading over the notes, the 'God's place' from session three is something important to know and understand!! Thanks for posting them!!!

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