Friday, 5 October 2007

Looking Over the Shoulder (Part III)

Continuing with thoughts from Rob Coyle's Recharge messages from Psalm 16....

~David's Pliability

v7: I will praise the LORD, who counsels me even at night my heart instructs me.

  • Does anyone else have those moments at night, just before you go to sleep where so many answers to the questions you're facing in life just come to you? It seems David talks of the same thing
  • What are our reaction to those thoughts at those times?
  • Are we like a block of clay? Solid, but when exercised by an outside force it can be shaped and moulded into whatever the potter desires.
  • Or are we like a brick? A block which cannot be changed?
  • Pliable - like the clay, can be changed, reconstructed - it's solid but not rigid.
  • If we want to pick up God's plan we need to be pliable (reacting) to what he says
  • To get better at this we need to reduce the time between hearing God and doing it.

~God's Place

v8: I have the LORD always before me, Because he is at my right hand I will not be shaken.

  • God is in two places at once... before me, and at my right hand.
-before me

  • When someone is right in front of you, you can always see them
  • You see what they are doing
  • It is easier to follow someone who is right in front of you
-he is at my right hand

  • Your 'right hand man' - someone you're dependant on, your strength, your trust.

  • The way we are always able to take the right hand of God is to always put him before me.
  • Have we this week in situations that shake us set God before us?
  • Do we act like we know he is in control?
v9: Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will rest secure

  • You know when you are in the wrong place with God.

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