Friday 20 December 2013


I have not posted a blog in a fair amount of time.

If you are a friend on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter (or Instagram), you will have seen all about my amazing trip to the United States through November.  It was great to have a break, and a very distinct one by heading about as far away as you could possibly get from my work.  I think I really needed it, not just a holiday, but a distinct break and disconnection for a few weeks to have time to myself.

Part of that break was a conscience decision not to blog during those 3 1/2 weeks in the States, my devotional times and theological considerations were for my own personal gain, without processing them in a way to share with others.  Sometimes I feel my initial thought when God says something to me is to think about how I can communicate it to others.  I purposely wanted to listen to what He said to me... for me.  I don't think I did a very good job if I am honest, but it has begun a habit in my life I want to develop now I am back.

I think that processing and developing is why I haven't dived back into blogging when I got home.  I am still trying to work through things God spoke to me about while I was away, and also what He's saying as we come to Christmas this year.  Ministry and life are colliding big time, but I thank God that the holiday in November was so rejuvenating.

I feel able to cope with all that's going on, and see a bit of a vision for what is to come - and I think that's all because I had such a good break.  It's not perfect, but I feel God might be laying out things for me to do in the coming year and beyond and I am resolved to follow Him.

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