Thursday 26 August 2010

Gospel In Life

Last night we commenced the "Gospel In Life" Lounge Group series as part of the Young Adults Ministry at City North Baptist.

The series is aimed at exploring the gospel and how to live it out in all of life - first in our hearts, then in community, and ultimately out into the world.  The first study was "City: The World That Is" and looked at the exiles in Babylon and God calling them to go and settle in the city, and to pray for that city because if it prospers then they will prosper (Jer 29:4-14).  We discussed the effectiveness of Christianity in our cities in Australia, and though good work is being done there should be much much more.

As an added tool Pastor Joe has set up a Young Adults Ministry Blog to generate discussion on topics arising from the Lounge Group studies.  So head over and have a look and add your own thoughts.

But while you're here... what things are your Church doing to impact your city?

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